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Posts posted by Reliant

  1. TWO letters today !!


    One addressed "Dear Sir/Madam" , offered me a generous discount if I contact Ruthbridge immediately and then went on to threaten making me bankrupt if I didnt.


    The other, on proper posh paper dated a day EARLIER than the other one and with a sort of nice Spirogragh design down the bottom arrived, as I say on the same day by first class post with "first class" written on it twice.


    Standards of courtesy have slipped at Ruthbridge because the letter starts "Dear D......"; no title, just my surname, I was was "Sir/Madam" in the first one but perhaps it was typed in a hurry. I dont know.


    Anyway this, posh letter from a Mr Amit Rao told me how Ruthbridge had gone into a huddle with their "client" who had requested that the matter be passed back to them, "in order for them to deal with the matters you have raised directly".


    It goes on to tell me that its all been closed down on their systems and returned to Experto Credite (who I have never heard of BTW) and that they dont want to talk to me anymore and don`t want to send me any more letters.


    Does this mean that they`ve gone off me ???

  2. right please listen............



    either you are a wind-up


    you do not listen to what you are told,


    these co's HAVE NO LEGAL POWERS


    you or i could, easlity, and legally send out simular letters.


    totally ignore them



    Sorry If I come across like that dx. I suffer from clinical depression and have a reminally ill wife. I get very nervous and upset sorry if I gave the wrong impression.

  3. The original debt was taken out with Barclays and they sold it on 15th July 2004. It isnt on my credit file BTW.


    Following the letter from Intrum Justitia (above) I wrote back on 7th October 2008 telling them that I had written to them on 25th September 2008 requesting the CCA and that as they had been unable to comply with my request, the account entered default on 13th October 2008.


    After that last letter I heard no more until Ruthbridge contacted me.


    How can Ruthbridge be chasing this when Intrum Justitia even sent back my postal order ??


    It looks like Intrum Justitia has sold the debt to Exoerto Credite and they have sold it to Ruthbridge. Im so worried.

  4. I have just noticed something else this is NOT the MBNA debt as I first thought this is from a debt that was defaulted on 24th August 1999 and was assigned to Intrum Justitia in July 2004.


    Intrum Justitia wrote to me on 3rd October 2008 after I CCA`d them returning my £1 and telling me the agreement was not available. I still have a copy of the letter from Intrum Justitia telling me that the agreement was not available and attaching list of my payments to them showing that I stopped paying them on 05/09/2009 after I had CCA`d them.


    Really scared. What to do ??

  5. The first letter is from Yvonne Richards and the second from Marcus Graeme. What is going on ?? They say that if I have previously informed Intrum Justitia that the sum due is disputed to tell them "urgently" if I still maintain this position.


    I cant think straight, panicking so much help me someone.



    Two letters today from Ruthbridge one saying how Intrum Justitia has appointed Experto Credite as asset managers for the account including the outstanding balance which has gone from what is shown on the credit report as £6730 to £8472.99 !!!!


    It goes on to say how Ruthbridge have been instructed by Experto Credite have appointed them to recover the debt and that if I dispute the amount I should contact them immediately.


    It then says that depending on my financial status provision may be considered by way of an "attractive settlement option" which could reduce the the sum due or that they may consider instalments but that option would only be considered against the full outstanding balance.


    How can this have gone up so much. What do I do ??


    The second letter says again that Ruthbridge have been instructed by Experto Credite and that I should contact Ruthbridge and not Experto Credite.


    It then says If I do not respond they may recommend that their client applys for a county court judgement whicj may result in a County Court Judgement which will add costs to the debt and that further action could also ensue which could mean a baliff entering the house and seizing goods for auction.


    They also say an application can be made to the court for an attachment of earnings or a charging order made aginst my home.


    How has this increased so much ? Im sick with worry again and the only way out I can see is to give in to them. Please please help me I cant face this The credit report I got is only a couple of days old, where have they got this amount from ??


    For Gods sake help someone Im literally being sick Im so worried.

    user_offline.gifreputation.gif report.gif progress.gif

  7. Thanks flower. At the moment all ive got is a letter from Ruthbridge asking me to contact them, no indication of who they represent, what is owed or to whom, nothing. I have no other details at all.

    If I SAR them wont that open a channel of communication which will identify me to them ? Im confused, some people are saying "ignore them and they will give up" and some people are saying I should write to them. What do I do ??

  8. Thanks flower. At the moment all ive got is a letter from Ruthbridge asking me to contact them, no indication of who they represent, what is owed or to whom, nothing. I have no other details at all.

    If I SAR them wont that open a channel of communication which will identify me to them ? Im confused, some people are saying "ignore them and they will give up" and some people are saying I should write to them. What do I do ??

  9. Opened 7/2/1993


    Last payment recorded 2nd November 2008.


    Account in dispute 14/11/2008 (after 2nd CCA request letter)


    MBNA wrote to advise me they had no CCA December 2008 and sold account to DCA in Jan 2009. (It was in November 2008 that I wrote to ask how my late wife had applied for a card in my name, I never recieved a reply).


    DCA records default 31/7/2009 9 months after last recorded payment made by my wife, I think via a trans cash payment at the post office but I am not sure. I have no access to her (now closed) bank account.

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